


#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import os import sys from xml.etree import ElementTree from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement from lxml import etree import codecs import cv2 from glob import glob XML_EXT = '.xml' ENCODE_METHOD = 'utf-8' class PascalVocReader: def __init__(self, filepath): # shapes type: # [labbel, [(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3), (x4,y4)], color, color, difficult] self.shapes = [] self.filepath = filepath self.verified = False try: self.parseXML() except: pass def getShapes(self): return self.shapes def addShape(self, label, bndbox, filename, difficult): xmin = int(bndbox.find('xmin').text) ymin = int(bndbox.find('ymin').text) xmax = int(bndbox.find('xmax').text) ymax = int(bndbox.find('ymax').text) points = [(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax)] self.shapes.append((label, points, filename, difficult)) def parseXML(self): assert self.filepath.endswith(XML_EXT), "Unsupport file format" parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding=ENCODE_METHOD) xmltree = ElementTree.parse(self.filepath, parser=parser).getroot() filename = xmltree.find('filename').text path = xmltree.find('path').text try: verified = xmltree.attrib['verified'] if verified == 'yes': self.verified = True except KeyError: self.verified = False for object_iter in xmltree.findall('object'): bndbox = object_iter.find("bndbox") label = object_iter.find('name').text # Add chris difficult = False if object_iter.find('difficult') is not None: difficult = bool(int(object_iter.find('difficult').text)) self.addShape(label, bndbox, path, difficult) return True classes = dict() num_classes = 0 try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass parentpath = './' #"Directory path with parent dir before xml_dir or img_dir" addxmlpath = parentpath + 'traffic_label/20170271403' #"Directory path with XML files" addimgpath = parentpath + 'traffic_img/20170271403' #"Directory path with IMG files" outputpath = parentpath + 'traffic_format4yolo' #"output folder for yolo format" classes_txt = './traffic_classes.txt' #"File containing classes" ext = '.jpg' #"Image file extension [.jpg or .png]" if os.path.isfile(classes_txt): with open(classes_txt, "r") as f: class_list = f.read().strip().split() classes = {k : v for (v, k) in enumerate(class_list)} xmlPaths = glob(addxmlpath + "/*.xml") #imgPaths = glob(addimgpath + "/*"+ext) for xmlPath in xmlPaths: tVocParseReader = PascalVocReader(xmlPath) shapes = tVocParseReader.getShapes() with open(outputpath + "/" + os.path.basename(xmlPath)[:-4] + ".txt", "w") as f: for shape in shapes: class_name = shape[0] box = shape[1] #filename = os.path.splittext(xmlPath)[0] + ext filename = os.path.splitext(addimgpath + "/" + os.path.basename(xmlPath)[:-4])[0] + ext if class_name not in classes.keys(): classes[class_name] = num_classes num_classes += 1 class_idx = classes[class_name] (height, width, _) = cv2.imread(filename).shape coord_min = box[0] coord_max = box[2] xcen = float((coord_min[0] + coord_max[0])) / 2 / width ycen = float((coord_min[1] + coord_max[1])) / 2 / height w = float((coord_max[0] - coord_min[0])) / width h = float((coord_max[1] - coord_min[1])) / height f.write("%d %.06f %.06f %.06f %.06f\n" % (class_idx, xcen, ycen, w, h)) print(class_idx, xcen, ycen, w, h) with open(parentpath + "classes.txt", "w") as f: for key in classes.keys(): f.write("%s\n" % key) print(key)




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