
このサイトにあるaes_encipher_block.vをTop Entityにコンパイルまではできました。Githubその後ModelSimを[C:/intelFPGA/20.1/modelsim_ase/win32aloem]のパスで設定して、RTL Simulationを行いました。そうすると、nativelink_simulation.rptを見てくださいと言われました。どうすれば解決できますか?
環境はWindows 10, Quartus 21.1.1 ,Modelsim 20.1です。


Info: Starting NativeLink simulation with ModelSim software Sourced NativeLink script c:/intelfpga/21.1/quartus/common/tcl/internal/nativelink/modelsim.tcl Error: You selected ModelSim as Simulation Software in EDA Tool Settings, however NativeLink found Questa Intel FPGA in the path -- correct path or change EDA Tool Settings and try again Error: NativeLink simulation flow was NOT successful ================The following additional information is provided to help identify the cause of error while running nativelink scripts================= Nativelink TCL script failed with errorCode: issued_nl_message Nativelink TCL script failed with errorInfo: You selected ModelSim as Simulation Software in EDA Tool Settings, however NativeLink found Questa Intel FPGA in the path -- correct path or change EDA Tool Settings and try again while executing "error "$emsg" "" "issued_nl_message"" invoked from within "if [ catch {exec $vsim_cmd -version} version_str] { set emsg "Can't launch $tool Simulation software -- make sure the software is properly installed..." (procedure "launch_sim" line 88) invoked from within "launch_sim launch_args_hash" ("eval" body line 1) invoked from within "eval launch_sim launch_args_hash" invoked from within "if [ info exists ::errorCode ] { set savedCode $::errorCode set savedInfo $::errorInfo error $result $..." invoked from within "if [catch {eval launch_sim launch_args_hash} result ] { set status 1 if [ info exists ::errorCode ] { set save..." (procedure "run_sim" line 74) invoked from within "run_sim run_sim_args_hash" invoked from within "if [ info exists ::errorCode ] { set savedCode $::errorCode set savedInfo $::errorInfo error "$result" $savedInfo ..." (procedure "run_eda_simulation_tool" line 334) invoked from within "run_eda_simulation_tool eda_opts_hash"


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