【We're sorry, but something went wrong.】エラーについて


「We're sorry, but something went wrong.
If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.」




Feb 16 02:58:29 PM D, [2023-02-16T05:58:29.159385 #69] DEBUG -- : [be4e2fe1-b428-42d3-987c-2d7f88711bc8] Tag Load (26.1ms) SELECT "tags".* FROM "tags" Feb 16 02:58:29 PM D, [2023-02-16T05:58:29.166742 #69] DEBUG -- : [be4e2fe1-b428-42d3-987c-2d7f88711bc8] Design Load (1.2ms) SELECT "designs".* FROM "designs" ORDER BY created_at DESC Feb 16 02:58:29 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:29.169686 #69] INFO -- : [be4e2fe1-b428-42d3-987c-2d7f88711bc8] Rendered collection of designs/_design.html.erb [0 times] (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 3) Feb 16 02:58:29 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:29.169837 #69] INFO -- : [be4e2fe1-b428-42d3-987c-2d7f88711bc8] Rendered designs/index.html.erb within layouts/application (Duration: 38.7ms | Allocations: 2231) Feb 16 02:58:29 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:29.174886 #69] INFO -- : [be4e2fe1-b428-42d3-987c-2d7f88711bc8] Completed 200 OK in 71ms (Views: 13.3ms | ActiveRecord: 38.6ms | Allocations: 8989) Feb 16 02:58:31 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:31.575193 #69] INFO -- : [594c316e-ae4a-418e-9321-00f056c87d58] Started GET "/users/sign_in" for at 2023-02-16 05:58:31 +0000 Feb 16 02:58:31 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:31.576171 #69] INFO -- : [594c316e-ae4a-418e-9321-00f056c87d58] Processing by Devise::SessionsController#new as HTML Feb 16 02:58:31 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:31.576237 #69] INFO -- : [594c316e-ae4a-418e-9321-00f056c87d58] Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"dCrOxxy17FTgOPfLmeUAV6rtAudr8vTj418xtlIKf1OCxPFy5l9ltxPowxtj5v1YVnLmUIfj+XYrUltpI8vMIQ=="} Feb 16 02:58:31 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:31.673270 #69] INFO -- : [594c316e-ae4a-418e-9321-00f056c87d58] Rendering devise/sessions/new.html.erb within layouts/application Feb 16 02:58:31 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:31.764818 #69] INFO -- : [594c316e-ae4a-418e-9321-00f056c87d58] Rendered devise/sessions/new.html.erb within layouts/application (Duration: 91.4ms | Allocations: 898) Feb 16 02:58:31 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:31.766410 #69] INFO -- : [594c316e-ae4a-418e-9321-00f056c87d58] Completed 200 OK in 190ms (Views: 95.5ms | ActiveRecord: 4.1ms | Allocations: 10099) Feb 16 02:58:45 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:45.471519 #69] INFO -- : [2bdc0678-606b-44e3-9c3b-34c1eabc2535] Started POST "/users/sign_in" for at 2023-02-16 05:58:45 +0000 Feb 16 02:58:45 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:45.472400 #69] INFO -- : [2bdc0678-606b-44e3-9c3b-34c1eabc2535] Processing by Devise::SessionsController#create as HTML Feb 16 02:58:45 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:45.472487 #69] INFO -- : [2bdc0678-606b-44e3-9c3b-34c1eabc2535] Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"unph89ljiK24vsSEWaOQbQ339+EpGuMibqMPP9U81wNMlF5GI4kBTktu8FSjoG1i8WgTVsUL7remrmXgpP1kcQ==", "user"=>{"email"=>"it@abest.jp", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}, "commit"=>"ログイン"} Feb 16 02:58:45 PM D, [2023-02-16T05:58:45.480719 #69] DEBUG -- : [2bdc0678-606b-44e3-9c3b-34c1eabc2535] User Load (1.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."email" = $1 ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT $2 [["email", "it@abest.jp"], ["LIMIT", 1]] Feb 16 02:58:45 PM I, [2023-02-16T05:58:45.486167 #69] INFO -- : [2bdc0678-606b-44e3-9c3b-34c1eabc2535] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 14ms (ActiveRecord: 1.8ms | Allocations: 2798)



1config>routes.rb 2 3Rails.application.routes.draw do4 devise_for :users5 root to: 'designs#index'6 resources :users7 resources :designs8 resources :designs do9 collection do10 get 'search'11 end12 end13 resources :users, only: :show14 post '/designs/new', to: 'designs#create'15end16


1app>controllres>designs_controller 2 3class DesignsController < ApplicationController4 before_action :authenticate_user!, only:[:edit, :new, :destroy]5 before_action :move_to_index, except: [:index, :show]6 before_action :set_design, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]7 8 def index9 @designs = Design.includes(:user).order("created_at DESC")10 @designs = params[:tag_id].present? ? Tag.find(params[:tag_id]).designs : Design.all.order("created_at DESC")11 end12 13 def new14 @post_form = PostForm.new15 end16 17 def create18 @post_form = PostForm.new(design_params)19 20 if @post_form.save 21 redirect_to root_path 22 else23 render :new24 end25 end26 27 def show28 29 end30 31 def destroy32 design = Design.find(params[:id])33 if design.destroy 34 redirect_to root_path 35 end36 end37 38 def update39 design = Design.find(params[:id])40 if41 design.update(design_params)42 redirect_to design_path(design.id)43 else44 redirect_to request.referer 45 end46 end47 48 def edit49 unless user_signed_in? && current_user.id == @design.user_id 50 redirect_to action: :index51 end52 end53 54 def search55 @designs = Design.search(params[:keyword]).order("created_at DESC")56 end57 58 59 60 private61 62 def design_params63 params.require(:post_form).permit(:title, :file_name, :tag_name, :image).merge(user_id: current_user.id)64 end65 66 def set_design67 @design = Design.find(params[:id])68 end69 70 def move_to_index71 unless user_signed_in?72 redirect_to action: :index73 end74 end75 76end77 78


1app>controllres>users_controller 2 3class UsersController < ApplicationController4 5 def show6 user = User.find(params[:id])7 @name = user.name 8 @designs = user.designs 9 end10 11end12


「 Completed 500 Internal Server Error」の上に「Users」とあるので


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