

SELECT NVL(MONTHS_BETWEEN(SYSDATE, hiredate), SYSDATE) FROM employees;の文でエラーが出ないか確認したいのですが、その文を確認する為のINSERT文のエラーを解決したいです。


emp_id のNUMBER型、 hire_date がDATE型のemp表を作り、適当なデータをINSERTしようとしました。しかし、INSERT文でエラーが出てしまい、SELECT文の確認ができません。


Cause ;The identifier or column name entered was invalid.

Action :Ensure the following: Enter a valid identifier or column name and verify that there are no typos in the identifier or column name. A valid identifier must begin with a letter, be less than or equal to 128 characters, and consist of only alphanumeric characters and the special characters $, _, and #. If it contains other characters, then it must be enclosed in double quotation marks. It must not be a reserved word unless it is enclosed in double quotation marks. If double quotation marks and mixed case were used for a column name when creating the table, then references to that column must use matching case and quotation marks.


CREATE TABLE emp( emp_id NUMBER(4) NOT NULL, hire_date DATE ); INSERT INTO emp(emp_id, hire_date) VALUES (1, TO_DATE('19-07-01 00:00:00', 'YY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') );


VALUES (1, TO_DATE('19-07-01 00:00:00', 'YY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') );ではなく、VALUES (1,19-07-01);でデータだけ入れてみましたが、以下のエラーがでました。

Cause An unexpected token was encountered in the SQL statement at or near the position printed in the error message. A token is either a SQL keyword or an identifier. One of the following occurred: You had a typo in your SQL statement. Unsupported syntax was encountered for a clause in the statement. An unsupported clause was encountered in the statement. A string was terminated prematurely leading to the rest of the string to be interpreted as tokens. For example, an apostrophe in the string may be causing it to end prematurely.



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