





Description: If default toolbar UI doesn't suit you it is possible to build custom toolbar. The prop contains elements ID to which to bind functionality. If element ID is specified in this prop appropriate button will be hidden in a default toolbar. May not work with UI framework components. That is because pdfjs internally manages attributes specific to a certain HTML element (for instance pdfjs toggles disabled attribute of a button but it won't if a div is used instead of a button). So it is better to use native HTML element specified as recommended in ID config specification below. Four slots are specially designed to build custom toolbar (are situated near a pdf page): viewer-header, viewer-prepend, viewer-append, viewer-footer (refer slots API). It is also possible to use other slots or elements outside vue-pdf-app.
Type: ID config (see below)
Required: false


1> <template> 2> <div> 3> <button :id="idConfig.zoomOut" type="button">Zoom out</button> 4> <vue-pdf-app :id-config="idConfig"> 5> <template #viewer-prepend> 6> <div class="viewer-prepend"> 7> <button :id="idConfig.zoomIn" type="button">Zoom in</button> 8> </div> 9> </template> 10> </vue-pdf-app> 11> </div> 12> </template> 13> <script> 14> export default { 15> data() { 16> return { 17> idConfig: { zoomIn: "zoomInId", zoomOut: "zoomOutId" } 18> }; 19> } 20> }; 21> </script>




1<template> 2 <div class="pdf-container"> 3 <button @click="openInNewTab">別タブで開く 4 <span><svg xmlns="" height="24" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="24"><path d="M200-120q-33 0-56.5-23.5T120-200v-560q0-33 23.5-56.5T200-840h280v80H200v560h560v-280h80v280q0 33-23.5 56.5T760-120H200Zm188-212-56-56 372-372H560v-80h280v280h-80v-144L388-332Z"/></svg></span> 5 </button> 6 7 <vue-pdf-app :pdf="pdfFile" :id-config="idConfig"> 8 <template #viewer-footer> 9 <div class="viewer-footer"> 10 <div class="custom-toolbar"> 11 <button :id="idConfig.previousPage"> 12 <svg xmlns="" height="24" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="24"><path d="m296-345-56-56 240-240 240 240-56 56-184-184-184 184Z"/></svg> 13 </button> 14 <button :id="idConfig.nextPage"> 15 <svg xmlns="" height="24" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="24"><path d="M480-344 240-584l56-56 184 184 184-184 56 56-240 240Z"/></svg> 16 </button> 17 <div class="page-number"> 18 <input type="number" :id="idConfig.pageNumber" style="width: 40px;"> 19 <span :id="idConfig.numPages"></span> 20 </div> 21 <button :id="idConfig.zoomIn"> 22 <svg xmlns="" height="24" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="24"><path d="M784-120 532-372q-30 24-69 38t-83 14q-109 0-184.5-75.5T120-580q0-109 75.5-184.5T380-840q109 0 184.5 75.5T640-580q0 44-14 83t-38 69l252 252-56 56ZM380-400q75 0 127.5-52.5T560-580q0-75-52.5-127.5T380-760q-75 0-127.5 52.5T200-580q0 75 52.5 127.5T380-400Zm-40-60v-80h-80v-80h80v-80h80v80h80v80h-80v80h-80Z"/></svg> 23 </button> 24 <button :id="idConfig.pageRotateCw"> 25 <svg xmlns="" height="24" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="24"><path d="M440-80q-75 0-140.5-28.5t-114-77q-48.5-48.5-77-114T80-440q0-150 105-255t255-105h6l-62-62 56-58 160 160-160 160-56-58 62-62h-6q-117 0-198.5 81.5T160-440q0 117 81.5 198.5T440-160q35 0 69-8.5t65-25.5l58 58q-43 28-92 42T440-80Zm240-120L440-440l240-240 240 240-240 240Zm0-114 126-126-126-126-126 126 126 126Zm0-126Z"/></svg> 26 </button> 27 <button :id="idConfig.zoomOut"> 28 <svg xmlns="" height="24" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="24"><path d="M784-120 532-372q-30 24-69 38t-83 14q-109 0-184.5-75.5T120-580q0-109 75.5-184.5T380-840q109 0 184.5 75.5T640-580q0 44-14 83t-38 69l252 252-56 56ZM380-400q75 0 127.5-52.5T560-580q0-75-52.5-127.5T380-760q-75 0-127.5 52.5T200-580q0 75 52.5 127.5T380-400ZM280-540v-80h200v80H280Z"/></svg> 29 </button> 30 </div> 31 </div> 32 </template> 33 </vue-pdf-app> 34 </div> 35</template> 36 37<script> 38 import VuePdfApp from "vue3-pdf-app"; 39 import pdfFile from '../../assets/test.pdf'; 40 import "vue3-pdf-app/dist/icons/main.css"; 41 42 export default { 43 components: { 44 VuePdfApp 45 }, 46 data() { 47 return { 48 pdfFile, 49 idConfig: { 50 zoomIn: "customZoomIn", 51 zoomOut: "customZoomOut", 52 pageRotateCw: "customRotateCw", 53 previousPage: "customPrevPage", 54 nextPage: "customNextPage", 55 numPages: "customNumPages", 56 pageNumber: "customPageNumber", 57 } 58 }; 59 }, 60 methods: { 61 openInNewTab() { 62 const url = this.pdfFile; // PDFファイルのURLを指定 63, '_blank'); 64 } 65 } 66 }; 67</script> 68 69 70 <style> 71 .pdf-container { 72 /* PDFビューワーのサイズを400px * 400pxに設定 */ 73 height: 400px; 74 width: 400px; 75 overflow: hidden; /* PDFの内容がコンテナを超える場合にスクロールバーを表示 */ 76 } 77 #viewerContainer { 78 background-color: grey; 79 } 80 #vuePdfApp { 81 background-color: grey; 82 } 83 .toolbar { 84 display: none; 85 } 86 .custom-toolbar { 87 display: flex; 88 gap: 20px; 89 border-radius: 10px; 90 border: solid 1px black; 91 background-color: white; 92 justify-content: center; 93 } 94 </style> 95



viewer-header: slot before viewer-prepend slot. Can be used to build custom toolbar.
viewer-prepend: slot before viewerContainer div. Can be used to build custom toolbar.
viewer-append: slot after viewerContainer div. Can be used to build custom toolbar.
viewer-footer: slot after viewer-append slot. Can be used to build custom toolbar.





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