fitbitAPIにおけるAccess TokenとRefresh Tokenの取得


fitbitAPIにおけるAccess TokenとRefresh Tokenの取得


Python 3.10.11



cd python-fitbit 'your Client ID' 'your Client Secret'

'your Client ID' 'your Client Secret'は自分で取得したものを入れています。



#!/usr/bin/env python import cherrypy import os import sys import threading import traceback import webbrowser from urllib.parse import urlparse from base64 import b64encode from fitbit.api import Fitbit import gather_keys_oauth2 as Oauth2 from oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors import MismatchingStateError, MissingTokenError class OAuth2Server: def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri=''): """ Initialize the FitbitOauth2Client """ self.success_html = """ <h1>You are now authorized to access the Fitbit API!</h1> <br/><h3>You can close this window</h3>""" self.failure_html = """ <h1>ERROR: %s</h1><br/><h3>You can close this window</h3>%s""" self.fitbit = Fitbit( client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, timeout=10, ) self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri def browser_authorize(self): """ Open a browser to the authorization url and spool up a CherryPy server to accept the response """ url, _ = self.fitbit.client.authorize_token_url() # Open the web browser in a new thread for command-line browser support threading.Timer(1,, args=(url,)).start() # Same with redirect_uri hostname and port. urlparams = urlparse(self.redirect_uri) cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_host': urlparams.hostname, 'server.socket_port': urlparams.port}) cherrypy.quickstart(self) @cherrypy.expose def index(self, state, code=None, error=None): """ Receive a Fitbit response containing a verification code. Use the code to fetch the access_token. """ error = None if code: try: self.fitbit.client.fetch_access_token(code) except MissingTokenError: error = self._fmt_failure( 'Missing access token parameter.</br>Please check that ' 'you are using the correct client_secret') except MismatchingStateError: error = self._fmt_failure('CSRF Warning! Mismatching state') else: error = self._fmt_failure('Unknown error while authenticating') # Use a thread to shutdown cherrypy so we can return HTML first self._shutdown_cherrypy() return error if error else self.success_html def _fmt_failure(self, message): tb = traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) tb_html = '<pre>%s</pre>' % ('\n'.join(tb)) if tb else '' return self.failure_html % (message, tb_html) def _shutdown_cherrypy(self): """ Shutdown cherrypy in one second, if it's running """ if cherrypy.engine.state == cherrypy.engine.states.STARTED: threading.Timer(1, cherrypy.engine.exit).start() if __name__ == '__main__': if not (len(sys.argv) == 3): print("Arguments: client_id and client_secret") sys.exit(1) server = OAuth2Server(*sys.argv[1:]) server.browser_authorize() profile = server.fitbit.user_profile_get() print('You are authorized to access data for the user: {}'.format( profile['user']['fullName'])) print('TOKEN\n=====\n') for key, value in server.fitbit.client.session.token.items(): print('{} = {}'.format(key, value))


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