





Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\kamla\PycharmProjects\edit_program_research\total_research_project\", line 158, in <module>
File "C:\Users\kamla\PycharmProjects\edit_program_research\total_research_project\", line 119, in main
width = int(picture.shape[1] * 50 / 100) # 画像幅
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape'


import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import numpy as np
import socket
import streamlit as st
import time
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

import drone_manager
import face_detect_video
import face_detect_myself as fm
import mediapipe_module as mymp

from djitellopy import tello

drone = tello.Tello()

capture = drone.get_video_capture()

face_vgg = fm.Face_detector()
mymediapipe = mymp.poseDetector()
img_count_total = 0
img_count = 10
count = 0
w, h = 360, 240
fbRange = [6200, 6800]
pid = [0.4, 0.4, 0.4]
pError = 0
angle = 0

def findface(img):
faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml")
imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(imgGray, 1.2, 8)
myFacelistC = []
myFaceListArea = []

for (x, y, w, h) in faces: cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 2) cx = x + w // 2 cy = y + h // 2 area = w * h, (cx, cy), 5, (0, 255, 0), cv2.FILLED) myFacelistC.append([cx, cy]) myFaceListArea.append(area) if len(myFaceListArea) != 0: i = myFaceListArea.index(max(myFaceListArea)) return img, [myFacelistC[i], myFaceListArea[i]] else: return img, [[0, 0], 0]

def trackFace1(info, w, pid, pError):
area = info[1]
x, y = info[0]
fb = 0

error = x - w // 2 speed = pid[0] * error + pid[1] * (error -pError) speed = int(np.clip(speed, -100, 100)) if area > fbRange[0] and fbRange[1]: fb = 0 elif area > fbRange[1]: fb = -20 elif area < fbRange[0] and area != 0: fb = 20 print(speed, fb) if x == 0: speed = 0 error = 0 # drone.send_rc_control(0, fb, 0, speed) return error

def trackFace2(info, w, pid, pError):
area = info[1]
x, y = info[0]
fb = 0

error = x - w // 2 speed = pid[0] * error + pid[1] * (error -pError) speed = int(np.clip(speed, -100, 100)) if angle > 200: print("ATTACK_POSSIBLE") fb = -20 print(speed, fb) if x == 0: speed = 0 error = 0 # drone.send_rc_control(0, fb, 0, speed) return error

def main():
tello_flying_flag = 0
ggez = 0
while True:
# capture = drone.get_frame_read().frame
success, picture =
width = int(picture.shape[1] * 50 / 100) # 画像幅
height = int(picture.shape[0] * 50 / 100) # 画像高さ
dim = (width, height) # 画像サイズ
picture = cv2.resize(picture, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) # カラー画像をリサイズ
picture = mymediapipe.findPose(picture, False)
keypoint = mymediapipe.findPosition(picture, False)

img = face_vgg.face_detect(capture, img_count_total, img_count, ggez) ggez += 1 if tello_flying_flag == 0: # drone.takeoff() tello_flying_flag += 1 print("take_off") akikon2 = mymediapipe.findPose(img) if len(keypoint) != 0: # ここに腕の角度が返されています face_area, info = findface(picture) angle = mymediapipe.findAngle(picture, 5, 12, 14) per = np.interp(angle, (210, 310), (0, 100)) bar = np.interp(angle, (220, 310), (650, 100)) print(info) # pError = trackFace1(info, w, pid, pError) # pError = trackFace2(info, w, pid, pError) cv2.imshow("Angle", picture) cv2.imshow('AkiKon2', akikon2) cv2.waitKey(1) # if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): #

if name == 'main':

以下 サードパーティーlibraryの使用している部分 """Library for interacting with DJI Ryze Tello drones. """ def get_udp_video_address(self) -> str: """Internal method, you normally wouldn't call this youself. """ address_schema = 'udp://@{ip}:{port}' # + '?overrun_nonfatal=1&fifo_size=5000' address = address_schema.format(ip=self.VS_UDP_IP, port=self.VS_UDP_PORT) return address def get_video_capture(self): """Get the VideoCapture object from the camera drone. Users usually want to use get_frame_read instead. Returns: VideoCapture """ if self.cap is None: self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.get_udp_video_address()) if not self.cap.isOpened(): return self.cap def get_frame_read(self) -> 'BackgroundFrameRead': """Get the BackgroundFrameRead object from the camera drone. Then, you just need to call backgroundFrameRead.frame to get the actual frame received by the drone. Returns: BackgroundFrameRead """ if self.background_frame_read is None: address = self.get_udp_video_address() self.background_frame_read = BackgroundFrameRead(self, address) # also sets self.cap self.background_frame_read.start() return self.background_frame_read 文字数の関係で一部を抜粋して記述しています。 telloとの接続はできているのでaddressの間違いはないと思います。 ### 試したこと まずは起動することだけを目的としてWebカメラで起動するように作成して、動作を確認することができた。 cv2.videocaptureの部分をサードパーティーのget_video_captureを利用してしようとしたが"picture"の中がNoneとなってしまい 中身が格納されないです。Webカメラの場合は代入されているがtelloを利用した際にはNoneとなるのを解決したいです。 ご協力のお程よろしくお願いします。 ### 補足情報(FW/ツールのバージョンなど) ここにより詳細な情報を記載してください。


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