表題の通り、VC へ bot を接続したい
discord.py-interactions[voice] を利用しています。
ボイスチャンネルに接続しようと、bot を context から connect() したところ、時間内に接続できないように見える
エラーが発生するのは利用しているVPS (Ubuntu 20.04) 上で実行したときで、ローカルマシン (Windows 11 23H2) で実行したときはしっかりと完了することを確認しております。
/usr/lib/python3.12/asyncio/events.py:88: RuntimeWarning: The executor did not finishing joining its threads within 300 seconds. self._context.run(self._callback, *self._args) ^CException ignored in: <module 'threading' from '/usr/lib/python3.12/threading.py'> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.12/threading.py", line 1592, in _shutdown atexit_call() File "/usr/lib/python3.12/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 31, in _python_exit t.join() File "/usr/lib/python3.12/threading.py", line 1147, in join self._wait_for_tstate_lock() File "/usr/lib/python3.12/threading.py", line 1167, in _wait_for_tstate_lock if lock.acquire(block, timeout): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ KeyboardInterrupt: Task exception was never retrieved
1from interactions import (2 Client,3 Intents,4 Task,5 listen,6 slash_command,7 slash_option,8 SlashContext,9 OptionType,10 ChannelType,11 models,12 SlashCommandChoice,13 Webhook,14 IntervalTrigger,15 TimeTrigger,16 Activity,17 VoiceState,18 ActiveVoiceState,19 BaseChannel 20)21 22bot = Client(intents=Intents.DEFAULT|Intents.GUILD_VOICE_STATES, delete_unused_application_cmds=True)23 24~~~25 26@slash_option(27 name="command",28 description="対象の操作",29 required=True,30 opt_type=OptionType.STRING,31 choices=[32 SlashCommandChoice(name="TTSを接続", value="tts_join"),33 SlashCommandChoice(name="TTSを切断", value="tts_disconnect"),34 ~~~35 ]36)37@slash_option(38 name="channel",39 description="対象のチャンネル",40 required=True,41 opt_type=OptionType.CHANNEL,42 channel_types=[ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE],43)44async def voice(ctx: SlashContext, command: str, channel: int):45 log(f"requested command: voice, Options: {command}, {channel.name}")46 await ctx.defer()47 48~~~49 50 elif command == "tts_join":51 if not ctx.voice_state:52 log(f"connecting to {channel}")53 connected = await channel.connect(deafened=True)54 await ctx.send(f"{channel.name} に接続しました", delete_after=15)55 log(f"success! connected to {connected}")56 else:57 await ctx.send(f"既に {ctx.voice_state.channel.name} に接続済みです")58 log(f"failed! already connected to {ctx.voice_state.channel}")59 60 elif command == "tts_disconnect":61 if ctx.voice_state:62 await ctx.send("切断しました", delete_after=15)63 await ctx.voice_state.channel.disconnect()64 log(f"success! disconnected from {ctx.voice_state.channel.name}")65 else:66 await ctx.send(f"切断に失敗しました\n```log\ncontext: {ctx}\ncontext voice_state: {ctx.voice_state}\nauthor voice_state: {ctx.author.voice}\ncurrent active_voice_state: {current_vc}\n```")67 log(f"failed! couldnt disconnect")68 69~~~70 71bot.start(TOKEN)
1 elif command == "tts_join":2 if not ctx.voice_state:
また、その時に connected = await channel.connect(deafened=True)
Ubuntu 20.04
# python3.12 -version Python 3.12.4 # pip list Package Version ------------------------- ----------- aiohttp 3.9.5 aiosignal 1.3.1 async-timeout 4.0.3 attrs 23.2.0 cachetools 5.3.3 certifi 2024.7.4 cffi 1.16.0 charset-normalizer 3.3.2 croniter 2.0.5 discord-py-interactions 5.13.1 discord-typings 0.9.0 emoji 2.12.1 frozenlist 1.4.1 google-api-core 2.19.1 google-auth 2.31.0 google-cloud-texttospeech 2.16.3 googleapis-common-protos 1.63.2 grpcio 1.64.1 grpcio-status 1.64.1 idna 3.7 multidict 6.0.5 packaging 24.1 pip 24.1.1 pip-review 1.3.0 proto-plus 1.24.0 protobuf 5.27.2 psutil 6.0.0 pyasn1 0.6.0 pyasn1_modules 0.4.0 pycparser 2.22 PyNaCl 1.5.0 python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0 pytz 2024.1 requests 2.32.3 rsa 4.9 schedule 1.2.2 setuptools 70.2.0 six 1.16.0 tomli 2.0.1 typing_extensions 4.12.2 urllib3 2.2.2 yarl 1.9.4
Windows 11 Pro 23H2
> python --version Python 3.12.3 > pip list Package Version ------------------------- ----------- aiohttp 3.9.5 aiosignal 1.3.1 async-timeout 4.0.3 attrs 23.2.0 cachetools 5.3.3 certifi 2024.7.4 cffi 1.16.0 charset-normalizer 3.3.2 croniter 2.0.5 discord-py-interactions 5.13.1 discord-typings 0.9.0 emoji 2.12.1 frozenlist 1.4.1 google-api-core 2.19.1 google-auth 2.31.0 google-cloud-texttospeech 2.16.3 googleapis-common-protos 1.63.2 grpcio 1.64.1 grpcio-status 1.64.1 idna 3.7 multidict 6.0.5 packaging 24.1 pip 24.1.1 pip-review 1.3.0 proto-plus 1.24.0 protobuf 5.27.2 psutil 6.0.0 pyasn1 0.6.0 pyasn1_modules 0.4.0 pycparser 2.22 PyNaCl 1.5.0 python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0 pytz 2024.1 requests 2.32.3 rsa 4.9 schedule 1.2.2 six 1.16.0 tomli 2.0.1 typing_extensions 4.12.2 urllib3 2.2.2 yarl 1.9.4
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